The name Abervon comes from an adventure campaign I’d written for a 1980’s Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game that I used to run (1st Edition; was it that long ago?). Abervon was the name of the region where blood, sweat and tears (not to mention the cliches and puns) were shed on a weekly basis. In fact, my transition to adulthood was punctuated by a variety of intense roleplaying experiences, and I even toyed with writing a novel set there. If I dig deep enough, I can probably even find the original outline. It wouldn’t matter; the story has evolved in the back of my mind, just like this site has.

Abervon is also the campaign setting that my ex-wife and I submitted to Gary Gygax so many years ago, which in turn led to our work with him on the Dangerous Journeys roleplaying game system. It’s pretty much what Greyhawk was to Gary – the center of my roleplaying universe. So, from all the possible names I could come up with for a personal domain name, Abervon was it. And it has stuck better than any other name I’ve come up with since.

After nearly a decade at NASA, I’ve since relocated to Colorado. I think this is where I’m meant to be. I have a loving family, a good job, a nice house, and a comfortable life. And the camping is awesome!

I’ve also been working on a couple of books with my friend Todd King. They are based on simulation theory on a cosmic level, and have been a lot of fun to develop and write. The newest book is called The Death Horde, and it’s the culmination of the EarthZero Evolution trilogy. It’s currently in final edit, and should be out this fall! And then all I have to do is figure out which project I want to write next. Anshadar, LLC continues as a long-term endeavor.

For several years now, I’ve been hosting Twisted Dave’s Mile High Show every Sunday evening from 5-9 PM (Mountain time). It’s an internet radio show, with a link right here on this site – stop by for lots of rock and roll! But this year, I started a Shoutcast station called EarthZero (named after the above trilogy), and I’m currently working to make it a kick-ass station; so far, it’s my favorite thing to listen to. Filled with clips and station breaks that range from the profound to just plain silly, my goal is to play the best music I can and have fun with it.